Friday, November 10, 2006

salutation to the great indian drink-tea, ofcourse!!

just a random thought occured....why not write about the 2nd most favorite drink of mine(1st being water!), tea.
i am not goin to dwell upon the art of tea makin or tea preparation. but, just go on and share things about tea which i feel like.
i cannot live without my 2 cups of tea's an amazing addiction!!
the best tea as far as i am concerned ..i mean the tea the indian masala tea.but, off late,i am tryin new ones..
the other day went to a tea's an amazing one,with a sense of humor was called
infintea.....they had written on the menu card...check the availibiltea before ordering.....when i picked up the said...tea-shue!!!......
saw another tea bar..unitea in diversitea!!!
these tea ppl sure have some great sense of humor.another reason to have one cup!!

1 comment:

Scatterbrained said...

Archana...How about 'Tea connoisseurship' for a career?