Sunday, August 10, 2008

power of a smile!!!
a few days back, i was rushing (as usual!!!) to the bus stop in the morning. i pass through this narrow road with traffic moving on in both directions and ofcourse, still people being people will also park their vehicles on that road. so was the case with this guy who had parked is pulsar and was standing and chatting. suddenly, a bus (yes!yes!!, now is that surprising??) hit the bike. well, i thought now would ensue a big argument on whose fault it was and on and on. but, to my surprise, all that happened was that the driver of the bus gave a sheepish grin and said that he was extremely sorry. the bike guy was then more than happy, even he was apologetic!!! for parking it there!!..left me in good spirits the whole day. let me rephrase the title "power of smile and sorry".

1 comment:

Scatterbrained said...

Hi Archana,

This one is plain damn brilliant! Day in and day out we hear about road rage...and here you have a "Mirchi sunn ne vaale always khush" moment captured in the blog.

