Monday, October 15, 2007

An artists’ impression
Since childhood, the only dream I had about what I wanted to become was to be a scientist. And, yes I am living my dream!! There are so many things which come into my mind now and then about the profession I have entered into. I hate to call it a profession, though!!!! For me it is an art. Yes, I perceive science as an art and for me, biology is the canvas. How I wish I could paint the canvas with all the colours of the world!!! But, I suppose my work is like that of an art critic, trying to interpret these paintings of nature and God.
But yes, science requires a creative mind and that too, not at any leisurely pace which other artists enjoy. I hope you saw the use of the word “artist” here. I have included my clan in this category!!
Why am I calling science an art and talking about a creative mind?? Well, first of all what we want to find, i.e., what questions we ask, requires immense amount of originality and once the question is put, how we go about answering it, requires an artist’s insight. Every part of the way we go about the science is an artist’s work!!
For me biology is music. Strange!! But, I find a chord here and a note there! Beautiful.. the world is and I love being able to contribute to knowing it a bit more. For me science is an art which gives me pure exhilaration.


Scatterbrained said...

You could have written more..the passion come across still!

I guess you are a little rusty for not having written for so long


Sai Narayan said...

I can actually vouch for this one "I wanted to become a scientist". I remember in 9th std during some XYZ class when we were asked about "What we wanted to become” everyone was passing on some random profession here and there. Then some words like environmental biology passed through my ears making a whooshing sound and it was from Archana. How many of us actually live our dream? Food for thought…

Yes as vinna said would like to read more on this